
Command line interface

In general, the only command that downstream repos will ever need to run is


from the root directory containing .nengobones.yml. This updates all of the templated files that need to be manually updated and committed to the downstream repository. Note that there are other files that generate-bones can generate, but this is done automatically (i.e., dynamically) by nengo-bones during continuous integration.

However, it may be helpful when debugging a .nengobones.yml configuration to be able to see the rendered output, so we expose all the nengo-bones functionality through different command line options, which can be found below.


Loads config file and sets up template environment.

By default, this updates all templated files that are to be committed to the repository.

generate-bones [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


--conf-file <conf_file>

Filepath for config file

--output-dir <output_dir>

Output directory for scripts

--template-dir <template_dir>

Directory containing additional templates


Generate TravisCI shell scripts.

generate-bones ci-scripts [OPTIONS]


Generate codecov config file.

generate-bones codecov-yml [OPTIONS]


Generate TravisCI config file.

generate-bones travis-yml [OPTIONS]


Validates auto-generated project files.

Note: This does not check the ci scripts, because those are generated on-the-fly in TravisCI (so any ci files we do find are likely local artifacts).

check-bones [OPTIONS]


--root-dir <root_dir>

Directory containing files to be checked