
Source code for nengo_bones.config

"""Handles the processing of nengo-bones configuration settings."""

from collections import OrderedDict
import datetime
import os

import yaml

[docs]def check_list(cfg, key): """ Verify that config value is a list. This is designed to catch the common error of specifying .. code-block:: yaml option: value instead of .. code-block:: yaml option: - value Parameters ---------- cfg : dict Configuration options being checked. key: str Name of configuration value to be checked. Raises ------ TypeError If ``key`` is in ``cfg`` and its value is not a list. """ if key in cfg and not isinstance(cfg[key], list): raise TypeError( "%s should be a list, found '%s'; did you forget " "to add '-' before each entry?" % (key, cfg[key]))
[docs]def find_config(): """ Finds the default nengo-bones config file. Returns ------- conf_file : str Path to the default config file. """ # for now, assume that config file is in cwd conf_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".nengobones.yml") return conf_file
[docs]def fill_defaults(config): """ Fills in default values in a loaded config (in-place). Parameters ---------- config : dict Dictionary containing configuration values. """ config.setdefault("author", "Applied Brain Research") config.setdefault("author_email", "[email protected]") config.setdefault("copyright_start", datetime.datetime.now().year) config.setdefault("copyright_end", datetime.datetime.now().year) if "travis_yml" in config: cfg = config["travis_yml"] cfg.setdefault("python", "3.6") cfg.setdefault("global_vars", OrderedDict()) cfg.setdefault("pypi_user", None) cfg.setdefault("deploy_dists", ["sdist"]) cfg.setdefault("bones_install", "nengo-bones") for job in cfg["jobs"]: if job.get("script", "").startswith("docs"): job.setdefault("apt_install", ["pandoc"]) if "codecov_yml" in config: cfg = config["codecov_yml"] cfg.setdefault("skip_appveyor", True) cfg.setdefault("abs_target", "auto") cfg.setdefault("diff_target", "100%") if "license_rst" in config: cfg = config["license_rst"] cfg.setdefault("type", "nengo") if "setup_py" in config: cfg = config["setup_py"] cfg.setdefault("license", "Free for non-commercial use") cfg.setdefault("python_requires", ">=3.5") cfg.setdefault("include_package_data", False) cfg.setdefault( "url", "https://www.nengo.ai/%s" % config["pkg_name"].replace("_", "-")) if "setup_cfg" in config: cfg = config["setup_cfg"] cfg.setdefault("pytest", OrderedDict()) cfg.setdefault("pylint", OrderedDict()) cfg.setdefault("flake8", OrderedDict()) cfg.setdefault("coverage", OrderedDict()) cfg["pytest"].setdefault("xfail_strict", False) cfg["pytest"].setdefault("addopts", ["-p nengo.tests.options"]) if "docs_conf_py" in config: cfg = config["docs_conf_py"] cfg.setdefault("nengo_logo", "general-full-light.svg")
[docs]def validate_config(config): """ Validates a populated config dict. Parameters ---------- config : dict Dictionary containing configuration values. """ mandatory = ["project_name", "pkg_name", "repo_name", "travis_yml.jobs"] for entry in mandatory: tmp = config for i, key in enumerate(entry.split(".")): try: tmp = tmp[key] except KeyError: if "." in entry and i == 0: # if the toplevel isn't defined, ignore this break else: raise KeyError("Config file must define %s" % entry) if "ci_scripts" in config: for ci_config in config["ci_scripts"]: validate_ci_config(ci_config)
# TODO: check that there aren't unused config options in yml
[docs]def validate_ci_config(ci_config): """ Validates an entry in the ci_scripts list of a config dict. Parameters ---------- ci_config : dict Dictionary containing ci_scripts configuration values. """ if "template" not in ci_config: raise KeyError("Script config must define 'template' " "(for entry %s)" % ci_config) try: # make sure that people don't accidentally do # pip_install: dependency (which gives a string), rather than # pip_install: # - dependency for key in ("pip_install", "pre_commands", "post_commands"): check_list(ci_config, key) except KeyError: pass
[docs]def load_config(conf_file=None): """ Loads config values from a file and applies defaults/validation. Parameters ---------- conf_file : str Filepath for config file (if None, will load the default returned by `.find_config`). Returns ------- config : dict Dictionary containing configuration values. """ if conf_file is None: conf_file = find_config() if not os.path.exists(str(conf_file)): raise RuntimeError("Could not find conf_file: %s\n\nPerhaps you are " "not in the project's root directory?" % conf_file) def ordered_load(stream): """Use OrderedDict instead of dict for loading mappings.""" class OrderedLoader(yaml.SafeLoader): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Custom loader containing OrderedDict mapping.""" def construct_mapping(loader, node): loader.flatten_mapping(node) return OrderedDict(loader.construct_pairs(node)) OrderedLoader.add_constructor( yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, construct_mapping) return yaml.load(stream, OrderedLoader) with open(str(conf_file)) as f: config = ordered_load(f) validate_config(config) fill_defaults(config) return config