Source code for nengo_dl.utils

Utility objects used throughout the code base.

from __future__ import print_function

import logging
import re
import sys
import threading
import time
import warnings

from nengo.exceptions import SimulationError
import numpy as np
import pkg_resources
import progressbar
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework.ops import get_gradient_function

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# check if tensorflow-gpu is installed
tf_gpu_installed = len(
    [d for d in pkg_resources.working_set
     if d.project_name in ("tensorflow-gpu", "tf-nightly-gpu")]) > 0

[docs]def sanitize_name(name): """ Remove illegal TensorFlow name characters from string. Valid TensorFlow name characters are ``[A-Za-z0-9_.\\-/]`` Parameters ---------- name : str Name to be sanitized Returns ------- sanitized : str Sanitized name """ if not isinstance(name, str): name = str(name) name = name.replace(" ", "_") name = name.replace(":", "_") valid_exp = re.compile(r"[A-Za-z0-9_.\-/]") return "".join([c for c in name if valid_exp.match(c)])
[docs]def function_name(func, sanitize=True): """ Get the name of the callable object ``func``. Parameters ---------- func : callable Callable object (e.g., function, callable class) sanitize : bool If True, remove any illegal TensorFlow name characters from name Returns ------- name : str Name of ``func`` (optionally sanitized) """ name = getattr(func, "__name__", func.__class__.__name__) if sanitize: name = sanitize_name(name) return name
[docs]def align_func(output_shape, output_dtype): """ Decorator that ensures the output of ``func`` is an `~numpy.ndarray` with the given shape and dtype. Parameters ---------- output_shape : tuple of int Desired shape for function output (must have the same size as actual function output) output_dtype : ``tf.DType`` or `~numpy.dtype` Desired dtype of function output Raises ------ `~nengo.exceptions.SimulationError` If the function returns ``None`` or a non-finite value. """ if isinstance(output_dtype, tf.DType): output_dtype = output_dtype.as_numpy_dtype def apply_align(func): def aligned_func(*args): output = func(*args) if output is None: raise SimulationError( "Function %r returned None" % function_name(func, sanitize=False)) try: if not np.all(np.isfinite(output)): raise SimulationError( "Function %r returned invalid value %r" % (function_name(func, sanitize=False), output)) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise SimulationError( "Function %r returned a value %r of invalid type %r" % (function_name(func, sanitize=False), output, type(output))) output = np.asarray(output, dtype=output_dtype) output = output.reshape(output_shape) return output return aligned_func return apply_align
[docs]def find_non_differentiable(inputs, outputs): """ Searches through a TensorFlow graph to find non-differentiable elements between ``inputs`` and ``outputs`` (elements that would prevent us from computing ``d_outputs / d_inputs``. Parameters ---------- inputs : list of ``tf.Tensor`` Input tensors outputs : list of ``tf.Tensor`` Output tensors """ for o in outputs: if o in inputs: continue else: try: grad = get_gradient_function(o.op) if grad is None and len(o.op.inputs) > 0: # note: technically we're not sure that this op is # on the path to inputs. we could wait and propagate this # until we find inputs, but that can take a long time for # large graphs. it seems more useful to fail quickly, and # risk some false positives raise LookupError find_non_differentiable(inputs, o.op.inputs) except LookupError: raise SimulationError( "Graph contains non-differentiable " "elements: %s" % o.op)
[docs]class MessageBar(progressbar.BouncingBar): """ ProgressBar widget for progress bars with possibly unknown duration. Parameters ---------- msg : str A message to be displayed in the middle of the progress bar finish_msg : str A message to be displayed when the progress bar is finished """ def __init__(self, msg="", finish_msg="", **kwargs): super(MessageBar, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.msg = msg self.finish_msg = finish_msg def __call__(self, progress, data, width): if progress.end_time: return self.finish_msg if progress.max_value is progressbar.UnknownLength: bar = progressbar.BouncingBar else: bar = progressbar.Bar line = bar.__call__(self, progress, data, width) if data["percentage"] is None: msg = self.msg else: msg = "%s (%d%%)" % (self.msg, data["percentage"]) offset = width // 2 - len(msg) // 2 return line[:offset] + msg + line[offset + len(msg):]
[docs]class ProgressBar(progressbar.ProgressBar): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """ Handles progress bar display for some tracked process. Parameters ---------- present : str Description of process in present (e.g., "Simulating") past : str Description of process in past (e.g., "Simulation") max_value : int or None The maximum number of steps in the tracked process (or ``None`` if the maximum number of steps is unknown) vars : list of str Extra variables that will be displayed at the end of the progress bar Notes ----- Launches a separate thread to handle the progress bar display updates. """ def __init__(self, present="", past=None, max_value=1, vars=None, **kwargs): self.present = present self.sub_bar = None self.finished = None if past is None: past = present self.msg_bar = MessageBar( msg=present, finish_msg="%s finished in" % past) widgets = [self.msg_bar, " "] if max_value is None: widgets.append(progressbar.Timer(format="%(elapsed)s")) else: widgets.append(progressbar.ETA( format="ETA: %(eta)s", format_finished="%(elapsed)s")) if vars is not None: self.var_vals = progressbar.FormatCustomText( " (" + ", ".join("%s: %%(%s)s" % (v, v) for v in vars) + ")", {v: "---" for v in vars}) widgets.append(self.var_vals) else: self.var_vals = None def update_thread(): while not self.finished: if self.sub_bar is None or self.sub_bar.finished: self.update() time.sleep(0.001) self.thread = threading.Thread(target=update_thread) self.thread.daemon = True if max_value is None: max_value = progressbar.UnknownLength super(ProgressBar, self).__init__( poll_interval=0.1, widgets=widgets, fd=sys.stdout, max_value=max_value, **kwargs)
[docs] def start(self, **kwargs): """Start tracking process, initialize display.""" super(ProgressBar, self).start(**kwargs) self.finished = False self.thread.start() return self
[docs] def finish(self, **kwargs): """Stop tracking process, finish display.""" if self.sub_bar is not None and self.sub_bar.finished is False: self.sub_bar.finish() self.finished = True self.thread.join() super(ProgressBar, self).finish(**kwargs)
[docs] def step(self, **vars): """ Advance the progress bar one step. Parameters ---------- vars : dict of {str: str} Values for the extra variables displayed at the end of the progress bar (defined in ``__init__``) """ if self.var_vals is not None: self.var_vals.update_mapping(**vars) self.value += 1
[docs] def sub(self, msg=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a new progress bar for tracking a sub-process. Parameters ---------- msg : str Description of sub-process """ if self.sub_bar is not None and self.sub_bar.finished is False: self.sub_bar.finish() self.sub_bar = SubProgressBar( present="%s: %s" % (self.present, msg) if msg else self.present, **kwargs) return self.sub_bar
@property def max_steps(self): """ Alias for max_value to allow this to work with Nengo progress bar interface. """ return self.max_value @max_steps.setter def max_steps(self, n): self.max_value = n def __enter__(self): super(ProgressBar, self).__enter__() return self.start() def __next__(self): """Wraps an iterable using this progress bar.""" try: if self.start_time is None: self.start() else: self.step() value = next(self._iterable) return value except StopIteration: self.finish() raise
[docs]class SubProgressBar(ProgressBar): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """ A progress bar representing a sub-task within an overall progress bar. """
[docs] def finish(self): """Finishing a sub-progress bar doesn't start a new line.""" super(SubProgressBar, self).finish(end="\r")
[docs]class NullProgressBar(progressbar.NullBar): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """ A progress bar that does nothing. Used to replace ProgressBar when we want to disable output. """ def __init__(self, present="", past=None, max_value=1, vars=None, **kwargs): super(NullProgressBar, self).__init__(max_value=max_value, **kwargs)
[docs] def sub(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Noop for creating a sub-progress bar. """ return self
[docs] def step(self, **kwargs): """ Noop for incrementing the progress bar. """
[docs]def minibatch_generator(data, minibatch_size, shuffle=True, truncation=None, rng=None): """ Generator to yield ``minibatch_sized`` subsets from ``inputs`` and ``targets``. Parameters ---------- data : dict of {``NengoObject``: `~numpy.ndarray`} Data arrays to be divided into minibatches. minibatch_size : int The number of items in each minibatch shuffle : bool If True, the division of items into minibatches will be randomized each time the generator is created truncation : int If not None, divide the data up into sequences of ``truncation`` timesteps. rng : `~numpy.random.RandomState` Seeded random number generator Yields ------ offset : int The simulation step at which the returned data begins (will only be nonzero if ``truncation`` is not ``None``). inputs : dict of {`~nengo.Node`: `~numpy.ndarray`} The same structure as ``inputs``, but with each array reduced to ``minibatch_size`` elements along the first dimension targets : dict of {`~nengo.Probe`: `~numpy.ndarray`} The same structure as ``targets``, but with each array reduced to ``minibatch_size`` elements along the first dimension """ if isinstance(data, int): n_inputs = None n_steps = data else: n_inputs, n_steps = next(iter(data.values())).shape[:2] if rng is None: rng = np.random if truncation is None: truncation = n_steps if n_steps % truncation != 0: warnings.warn(UserWarning( "Length of training data (%d) is not an even multiple of " "truncation length (%d); this may result in poor " "training results" % (n_steps, truncation))) if n_inputs is None: # no input to divide up, so we just return the # number of steps to be run based on the truncation for j in range(0, n_steps, truncation): yield (j, min(truncation, n_steps - j)) else: if shuffle: perm = rng.permutation(n_inputs) else: perm = np.arange(n_inputs) if n_inputs % minibatch_size != 0: warnings.warn(UserWarning( "Number of data elements (%d) is not an even multiple of " "minibatch size (%d); inputs will be truncated" % (n_inputs, minibatch_size))) perm = perm[:-(n_inputs % minibatch_size)] for i in range(0, n_inputs - n_inputs % minibatch_size, minibatch_size): mini_data = {k: v[perm[i:i + minibatch_size]] for k, v in data.items()} for j in range(0, n_steps, truncation): yield (j, {k: v[:, j:j + truncation] for k, v in mini_data.items()})