
Source code for nengo_loihi.hardware.interface

from __future__ import division

import collections
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import logging
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
import warnings

import jinja2
from nengo.exceptions import SimulationError
import numpy as np

from nengo_loihi.block import LoihiBlock, Probe
from nengo_loihi.discretize import scale_pes_errors
from nengo_loihi.hardware.allocators import OneToOne, RoundRobin
from nengo_loihi.hardware.builder import build_board
from nengo_loihi.nxsdk_obfuscation import d, d_func, d_get
from nengo_loihi.hardware.nxsdk_shim import (
from nengo_loihi.hardware.validate import validate_board
from nengo_loihi.validate import validate_model

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HardwareInterface: """Place a Model onto a Loihi board and run it. Parameters ---------- model : Model Model specification that will be placed on the Loihi board. use_snips : boolean, optional (Default: True) Whether to use snips (e.g., for ``precompute=False``). seed : int, optional (Default: None) A seed for stochastic operations. snip_max_spikes_per_step : int The maximum number of spikes that can be sent to the chip in one timestep if ``.use_snips`` is True. allocator : Allocator, optional (Default: ``OneToOne()``) Callable object that allocates the board's devices to given models. Defaults to one block and one input per core on a single chip. """ def __init__(self, model, use_snips=True, seed=None, snip_max_spikes_per_step=50, allocator=OneToOne()): if isinstance(allocator, RoundRobin) and use_snips: raise SimulationError("snips are not supported for the " "RoundRobin allocator") self.closed = False self.use_snips = use_snips self.check_nxsdk_version() self.nxsdk_board = None self.nengo_io_h2c = None # IO snip host-to-chip channel self.nengo_io_c2h = None # IO snip chip-to-host channel self._probe_filters = {} self._probe_filter_pos = {} self._snip_probe_data = collections.OrderedDict() self._chip2host_sent_steps = 0 # Maximum number of spikes that can be sent through # the nengo_io_h2c channel on one timestep. self.snip_max_spikes_per_step = snip_max_spikes_per_step # clear cached content from SpikeProbe class attribute d_func(SpikeProbe, b'cHJvYmVEaWN0', b'Y2xlYXI=') self.build(model, allocator=allocator, seed=seed) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() @staticmethod def check_nxsdk_version(): # raise exception if nxsdk not installed assert_nxsdk() # if installed, check version version = LooseVersion(getattr(nxsdk, "__version__", "0.0.0")) minimum = LooseVersion("0.8.5") max_tested = LooseVersion("0.8.5") if version < minimum: raise ImportError("nengo-loihi requires nxsdk>=%s, found %s" % (minimum, version)) elif version > max_tested: warnings.warn("nengo-loihi has not been tested with your nxsdk " "version (%s); latest fully supported version is " "%s" % (version, max_tested)) def _iter_blocks(self): return iter(self.model.blocks) def _iter_probes(self): for block in self._iter_blocks(): for probe in block.probes: yield probe def build(self, model, allocator, seed=None): validate_model(model) self.model = model self.pes_error_scale = getattr(model, 'pes_error_scale', 1.) if self.use_snips: # tag all probes as being snip-based, # having normal probes at the same time as snips causes problems for probe in self._iter_probes(): probe.use_snip = True self._snip_probe_data[probe] = [] # --- allocate self.board = allocator(self.model) # --- validate validate_board(self.board) # --- build self.nxsdk_board = build_board(self.board, seed=seed) def run_steps(self, steps, blocking=True): if self.use_snips and self.nengo_io_h2c is None: self.create_io_snip() # NOTE: we need to call connect() after snips are created self.connect() d_get(self.nxsdk_board, b'cnVu')( steps, **{d(b'YVN5bmM='): not blocking}) def _chip2host_monitor(self, probes_receivers): increment = None for probe, receiver in probes_receivers.items(): assert not probe.use_snip nxsdk_probe = self.board.probe_map[probe] x = np.column_stack([ d_get(p, b'dGltZVNlcmllcw==', b'ZGF0YQ==')[self._chip2host_sent_steps:] for p in nxsdk_probe]) assert x.ndim == 2 if len(x) > 0: if increment is None: increment = len(x) assert increment == len(x), "All x need same number of steps" if probe.weights is not None: x = np.dot(x, probe.weights) for j in range(len(x)): receiver.receive( self.model.dt * (self._chip2host_sent_steps + j + 2), x[j]) if increment is not None: self._chip2host_sent_steps += increment def _chip2host_snips(self, probes_receivers): count = self.nengo_io_c2h_count data = self.nengo_io_c2h.read(count) time_step, data = data[0], np.array(data[1:], dtype=np.int32) snip_range = self.nengo_io_snip_range for probe in self._snip_probe_data: assert probe.use_snip x = data[snip_range[probe]] assert x.ndim == 1 if probe.key == 'spiked': assert isinstance(probe.target, LoihiBlock) refract_delays = probe.target.compartment.refract_delay # Loihi uses the voltage value to indicate where we # are in the refractory period. We want to find neurons # starting their refractory period. x = (x == refract_delays * d(b'MTI4', int)) if probe.weights is not None: x = np.dot(x, probe.weights) receiver = probes_receivers.get(probe, None) if receiver is not None: # chip->host receiver.receive(self.model.dt * time_step, x) else: # onchip probes self._snip_probe_data[probe].append(x) self._chip2host_sent_steps += 1 def chip2host(self, probes_receivers): return (self._chip2host_snips(probes_receivers) if self.use_snips else self._chip2host_monitor(probes_receivers)) def _host2chip_spikegen(self, loihi_spikes): # sort all spikes because spikegen needs them in temporal order loihi_spikes = sorted(loihi_spikes, key=lambda s: s.time) for spike in loihi_spikes: assert spike.axon.axon_type == 0, "Spikegen cannot send pop spikes" assert spike.axon.atom == 0, "Spikegen does not support atom" d_func(self.nxsdk_board.global_spike_generator, b'YWRkU3Bpa2U=', kwargs={b'dGltZQ==': spike.time, b'Y2hpcElk': spike.axon.chip_id, b'Y29yZUlk': spike.axon.core_id, b'YXhvbklk': spike.axon.axon_id, }) def _host2chip_snips(self, loihi_spikes, loihi_errors): max_spikes = self.snip_max_spikes_per_step if len(loihi_spikes) > max_spikes: warnings.warn( "Too many spikes (%d) sent in one timestep. Increase the " "value of `snip_max_spikes_per_step` (currently set to %d). " "See\n https://www.nengo.ai/nengo-loihi/configuration.html\n" "for details." % (len(loihi_spikes), max_spikes)) del loihi_spikes[max_spikes:] msg = [len(loihi_spikes)] assert len(loihi_spikes) <= self.snip_max_spikes_per_step for spike in loihi_spikes: assert spike.axon.chip_id == 0 msg.extend(SpikePacker.pack(spike)) assert len(loihi_errors) == self.nengo_io_h2c_errors for error in loihi_errors: msg.extend(error) assert len(msg) <= self.nengo_io_h2c.numElements self.nengo_io_h2c.write(len(msg), msg) def host2chip(self, spikes, errors): loihi_spikes = [] for spike_input, t, s in spikes: spike_input = self.nxsdk_board.spike_inputs[spike_input] loihi_spikes.extend(spike_input.spikes_to_loihi(t, s)) loihi_errors = [] for synapse, t, e in errors: coreid = None for core in self.board.chips[0].cores: for block in core.blocks: if synapse in block.synapses: # TODO: assumes one block per core coreid = core.learning_coreid break if coreid is not None: break assert coreid is not None e = scale_pes_errors(e, scale=self.pes_error_scale) loihi_errors.append([coreid, len(e)] + e.tolist()) if self.use_snips: return self._host2chip_snips(loihi_spikes, loihi_errors) else: assert len(loihi_errors) == 0 return self._host2chip_spikegen(loihi_spikes) def wait_for_completion(self): d_func(self.nxsdk_board, b'ZmluaXNoUnVu') def is_connected(self): return self.nxsdk_board is not None and d_func( self.nxsdk_board, b'ZXhlY3V0b3I=', b'aGFzU3RhcnRlZA==') def connect(self, attempts=10): if self.nxsdk_board is None: raise SimulationError("Must build model before running") if self.is_connected(): return logger.info("Connecting to Loihi, max attempts: %d", attempts) for i in range(attempts): try: d_func(self.nxsdk_board, b'c3RhcnQ=') if self.is_connected(): break except Exception as e: logger.info("Connection error: %s", e) time.sleep(1) logger.info("Retrying, attempt %d", i + 1) else: raise SimulationError("Could not connect to the board") def close(self): if self.nxsdk_board is not None: d_func(self.nxsdk_board, b'ZGlzY29ubmVjdA==') self.closed = True def _filter_probe(self, probe, data): dt = self.model.dt shape = data[0].shape i = self._probe_filter_pos.get(probe, 0) if i == 0: synapse = probe.synapse rng = None step = (synapse.make_step(shape, shape, dt, rng, dtype=np.float32) if synapse is not None else None) self._probe_filters[probe] = step else: step = self._probe_filters[probe] if step is None: self._probe_filter_pos[probe] = i + len(data) return data else: filt_data = np.zeros((len(data),) + shape, dtype=np.float32) for k, x in enumerate(data): filt_data[k] = step((i + k) * dt, x) self._probe_filter_pos[probe] = i + k return filt_data def get_probe_output(self, probe): assert isinstance(probe, Probe) if probe.use_snip: data = self._snip_probe_data[probe] else: nxsdk_probe = self.board.probe_map[probe] data = np.column_stack([d_get(p, b'dGltZVNlcmllcw==', b'ZGF0YQ==') for p in nxsdk_probe]) data = (data if probe.weights is None else np.dot(data, probe.weights)) return self._filter_probe(probe, data) def create_io_snip(self): # snips must be created before connecting assert not self.is_connected(), "still connected" snips_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "snips") env = jinja2.Environment( trim_blocks=True, loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(snips_dir), keep_trailing_newline=True ) # --- generate custom code # Determine which cores have learning n_errors = 0 total_error_len = 0 max_error_len = 0 for core in self.board.chips[0].cores: # TODO: don't assume 1 chip if core.learning_coreid: error_len = core.blocks[0].n_neurons // 2 max_error_len = max(error_len, max_error_len) n_errors += 1 total_error_len += 2 + error_len n_outputs = 1 probes = [] cores = set() # TODO: should snip_range be stored on the probe? snip_range = {} for block in self.model.blocks: for probe in block.probes: if probe.use_snip: info = probe.snip_info assert info['key'] in ('u', 'v', 'spike') # For spike probes, we record V and determine if the neuron # spiked in Simulator. cores.add(info["core_id"]) snip_range[probe] = slice( n_outputs - 1, n_outputs + len(info["compartment_idxs"]) - 1) for compartment in info["compartment_idxs"]: probes.append( (n_outputs, info["core_id"], compartment, info['key'])) n_outputs += 1 # obfuscated strings used in templates obfs = dict( core_class=d(b'TmV1cm9uQ29yZQ=='), id_class=d(b'Q29yZUlk'), get_channel=d(b'Z2V0Q2hhbm5lbElE'), int_type=d(b'aW50MzJfdA=='), spike_size=d(b'Mg=='), error_info_size=d(b'Mg=='), step=d(b'dGltZV9zdGVw'), read=d(b'cmVhZENoYW5uZWw='), write=d(b'd3JpdGVDaGFubmVs'), spike_shift=d(b'MTY='), spike_mask=d(b'MHgwMDAwRkZGRg=='), axon_type_0=d(b'MA=='), do_axon_type_0=d(b'bnhfc2VuZF9kaXNjcmV0ZV9zcGlrZQ=='), axon_type_1=d(b'MzI='), do_axon_type_1=d(b'bnhfc2VuZF9wb3AzMl9zcGlrZQ=='), data=d(b'dXNlckRhdGE='), state=d(b'Y3hfc3RhdGU='), neuron=d(b'TkVVUk9OX1BUUg=='), pos_pes_cfg=d(b'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'), # pylint: disable=line-too-long neg_pes_cfg=d(b'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'), # pylint: disable=line-too-long ) # --- write c file using template template = env.get_template("nengo_io.c.template") self.tmp_snip_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() c_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_snip_dir.name, "nengo_io.c") logger.debug( "Creating %s with %d outputs, %d error, %d cores, %d probes", c_path, n_outputs, n_errors, len(cores), len(probes)) code = template.render( n_outputs=n_outputs, n_errors=n_errors, max_error_len=max_error_len, cores=cores, probes=probes, obfs=obfs, ) with open(c_path, 'w') as f: f.write(code) template = env.get_template("nengo_learn.c.template") code = template.render( obfs=obfs, ) with open(os.path.join(snips_dir, "nengo_learn.c"), "w") as f: f.write(code) # --- create SNIP process and channels logger.debug("Creating nengo_io snip process") nengo_io = d_func(self.nxsdk_board, b'Y3JlYXRlUHJvY2Vzcw==', kwargs={b'bmFtZQ==': "nengo_io", b'Y0ZpbGVQYXRo': c_path, b'aW5jbHVkZURpcg==': snips_dir, b'ZnVuY05hbWU=': "nengo_io", b'Z3VhcmROYW1l': "guard_io", b'cGhhc2U=': d(b'bWdtdA=='), }) logger.debug("Creating nengo_learn snip process") c_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_snip_dir.name, "nengo_learn.c") shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(snips_dir, "nengo_learn.c"), c_path) d_func(self.nxsdk_board, b'Y3JlYXRlUHJvY2Vzcw==', kwargs={b'bmFtZQ==': "nengo_learn", b'Y0ZpbGVQYXRo': os.path.join(snips_dir, "nengo_learn.c"), b'aW5jbHVkZURpcg==': snips_dir, b'ZnVuY05hbWU=': "nengo_learn", b'Z3VhcmROYW1l': "guard_learn", b'cGhhc2U=': d(b'cHJlTGVhcm5NZ210'), }) size = (1 # first int stores number of spikes + self.snip_max_spikes_per_step*SpikePacker.size() + total_error_len) logger.debug("Creating nengo_io_h2c channel (%d)" % size) self.nengo_io_h2c = d_get(self.nxsdk_board, b'Y3JlYXRlQ2hhbm5lbA==')( b'nengo_io_h2c', "int", size) logger.debug("Creating nengo_io_c2h channel (%d)" % n_outputs) self.nengo_io_c2h = d_get(self.nxsdk_board, b'Y3JlYXRlQ2hhbm5lbA==')( b'nengo_io_c2h', "int", n_outputs) d_get(self.nengo_io_h2c, b'Y29ubmVjdA==')(None, nengo_io) d_get(self.nengo_io_c2h, b'Y29ubmVjdA==')(nengo_io, None) self.nengo_io_h2c_errors = n_errors self.nengo_io_c2h_count = n_outputs self.nengo_io_snip_range = snip_range
class SpikePacker: """Packs spikes for sending to chip Currently represents a spike as two int32s. """ @classmethod def size(cls): """The number of int32s used to represent one spike.""" size = len(cls.pack(None)) assert size == 2 # must match nengo_io.c.template return size @classmethod def pack(cls, spike): """Pack the spike into a tuple of 32-bit integers. Parameters ---------- spike : LoihiSpikeInput.LoihiSpike The spike to pack. Returns ------- packed_spike : tuple of int A tuple of length ``size`` to represent this spike. """ chip_id = int(spike.axon.chip_id if spike is not None else 0) core_id = int(spike.axon.core_id if spike is not None else 0) axon_id = int(spike.axon.axon_id if spike is not None else 0) axon_type = int(spike.axon.axon_type if spike is not None else 0) atom = int(spike.axon.atom if spike is not None else 0) assert chip_id == 0, "Multiple chips not supported" assert 0 <= core_id < 1024 assert 0 <= axon_id < 4096 assert 0 <= axon_type <= 32 assert 0 <= atom < 1024 return (int(np.left_shift(core_id, 16)) + axon_id, int(np.left_shift(axon_type, 16) + atom))