Source code for

from copy import deepcopy
import warnings

from nengo.config import Config
from nengo.connection import Connection
from nengo.ensemble import Ensemble
from nengo.exceptions import (
    ConfigError, NetworkContextError, NotAddedToNetworkWarning, ReadonlyError)
from nengo.node import Node
from nengo.params import IntParam, StringParam
from nengo.probe import Probe
from nengo.utils.compat import iteritems
from nengo.utils.threading import ThreadLocalStack

[docs]class Network(object): """A network contains ensembles, nodes, connections, and other networks. A network is primarily used for grouping together related objects and connections for visualization purposes. However, you can also use networks as a nice way to reuse network creation code. To group together related objects that you do not need to reuse, you can create a new ``Network`` and add objects in a ``with`` block. For example:: network = nengo.Network() with network: with nengo.Network(label="Vision"): v1 = nengo.Ensemble(nengo.LIF(100), dimensions=2) with nengo.Network(label="Motor"): sma = nengo.Ensemble(nengo.LIF(100), dimensions=2) nengo.Connection(v1, sma) To reuse a group of related objects, you can create a new subclass of ``Network``, and add objects in the ``__init__`` method. For example:: class OcularDominance(nengo.Network): def __init__(self): self.column = nengo.Ensemble(nengo.LIF(100), dimensions=2) network = nengo.Network() with network: left_eye = OcularDominance() right_eye = OcularDominance() nengo.Connection(left_eye.column, right_eye.column) Parameters ---------- label : str, optional (Default: None) Name of the network. seed : int, optional (Default: None) Random number seed that will be fed to the random number generator. Setting the seed makes the network's build process deterministic. add_to_container : bool, optional (Default: None) Determines if this network will be added to the current container. If None, this network will be added to the network at the top of the ``Network.context`` stack unless the stack is empty. Attributes ---------- connections : list `.Connection` instances in this network. ensembles : list `.Ensemble` instances in this network. label : str Name of this network. networks : list `.Network` instances in this network. nodes : list `.Node` instances in this network. probes : list `.Probe` instances in this network. seed : int Random seed used by this network. """ context = ThreadLocalStack(maxsize=100) # static stack of Network objects label = StringParam('label', optional=True, readonly=False) seed = IntParam('seed', optional=True, readonly=False) def __init__(self, label=None, seed=None, add_to_container=None): self.label = label self.seed = seed self._config = self.default_config() self.objects = { Ensemble: [], Node: [], Connection: [], Network: [], Probe: [], } self.ensembles = self.objects[Ensemble] self.nodes = self.objects[Node] self.connections = self.objects[Connection] self.networks = self.objects[Network] self.probes = self.objects[Probe] # By default, we want to add to the current context, unless there is # no context; i.e., we're creating a top-level network. if add_to_container is None: add_to_container = len(Network.context) > 0 if add_to_container: Network.add(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def add(obj): """Add the passed object to ``Network.context``.""" if len(Network.context) == 0: raise NetworkContextError( "'%s' must either be created inside a ``with network:`` " "block, or set add_to_container=False in the object's " "constructor." % obj) network = Network.context[-1] if not isinstance(network, Network): raise NetworkContextError( "Current context (%s) is not a network" % network) for cls in type(obj).__mro__: if cls in network.objects: network.objects[cls].append(obj) break else: raise NetworkContextError("Objects of type %r cannot be added to " "networks." % type(obj).__name__)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_config(): """Constructs a `~.Config` object for setting defaults.""" return Config(Connection, Ensemble, Node, Probe)
def _all_objects(self, object_type): """Returns a list of all objects of the specified type.""" # Make a copy of this network's list objects = list(self.objects[object_type]) for subnet in self.networks: objects.extend(subnet._all_objects(object_type)) return objects @property def all_objects(self): """(list) All objects in this network and its subnetworks.""" objects = [] for object_type in self.objects: objects.extend(self._all_objects(object_type)) return objects @property def all_ensembles(self): """(list) All ensembles in this network and its subnetworks.""" return self._all_objects(Ensemble) @property def all_nodes(self): """(list) All nodes in this network and its subnetworks.""" return self._all_objects(Node) @property def all_networks(self): """(list) All networks in this network and its subnetworks.""" return self._all_objects(Network) @property def all_connections(self): """(list) All connections in this network and its subnetworks.""" return self._all_objects(Connection) @property def all_probes(self): """(list) All probes in this network and its subnetworks.""" return self._all_objects(Probe) @property def config(self): """(`.Config`) Configuration for this network.""" return self._config @config.setter def config(self, dummy): raise ReadonlyError(attr='config', obj=self) @property def n_neurons(self): """(int) Number of neurons in this network, including subnetworks.""" return sum(ens.n_neurons for ens in self.all_ensembles) def __contains__(self, obj): return type(obj) in self.objects and obj in self.objects[type(obj)] def __enter__(self): Network.context.append(self) self._config.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, dummy_exc_type, dummy_exc_value, dummy_tb): if len(Network.context) == 0: raise NetworkContextError( "Network.context in bad state; was empty when " "exiting from a 'with' block.") config = Config.context[-1] if config is not self._config: raise ConfigError("Config.context in bad state; was expecting " "current context to be '%s' but instead got " "'%s'." % (self._config, config)) network = Network.context.pop() if network is not self: raise NetworkContextError( "Network.context in bad state; was expecting current context " "to be '%s' but instead got '%s'." % (self, network)) self._config.__exit__(dummy_exc_type, dummy_exc_value, dummy_tb) def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state['label'] = self.label state['seed'] = self.seed return state def __setstate__(self, state): for k, v in iteritems(state): setattr(self, k, v) if len(Network.context) > 0: warnings.warn(NotAddedToNetworkWarning(self)) def __str__(self): return "<%s %s>" % ( type(self).__name__, '"%s"' % self.label if self.label is not None else "(unlabeled) at 0x%x" % id(self)) def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s %s>" % ( type(self).__name__, '"%s"' % self.label if self.label is not None else "(unlabeled)", "at 0x%x" % id(self)) def copy(self, add_to_container=None): with warnings.catch_warnings(): # We warn when copying since we can't change add_to_container. # However, we deal with it here, so we ignore the warning. warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=NotAddedToNetworkWarning) c = deepcopy(self) if add_to_container is None: add_to_container = len(Network.context) > 0 if add_to_container: Network.add(c) return c