Source code for nengo.networks.product

import warnings

import numpy as np

import nengo
from nengo.networks.ensemblearray import EnsembleArray

[docs]def Product(n_neurons, dimensions, input_magnitude=1., net=None, **kwargs): """Computes the element-wise product of two equally sized vectors. The network used to calculate the product is described in `Gosmann, 2015`_. A simpler version of this network can be found in the `Multiplication example <>`_. Note that this network is optimized under the assumption that both input values (or both values for each input dimensions of the input vectors) are uniformly and independently distributed. Visualized in a joint 2D space, this would give a square of equal probabilities for pairs of input values. This assumption is violated with non-uniform input value distributions (for example, if the input values follow a Gaussian or cosine similarity distribution). In that case, no square of equal probabilities is obtained, but a probability landscape with circular equi-probability lines. To obtain the optimal network accuracy, scale the *input_magnitude* by a factor of ``1 / sqrt(2)``. .. _Gosmann, 2015: master/Precise-multiplications-with-the-NEF.ipynb#An-alternative-network Parameters ---------- n_neurons : int Number of neurons per dimension in the vector. .. note:: These neurons will be distributed evenly across two ensembles. If an odd number of neurons is specified, the extra neuron will not be used. dimensions : int Number of dimensions in each of the vectors to be multiplied. input_magnitude : float, optional (Default: 1.) The expected magnitude of the vectors to be multiplied. This value is used to determine the radius of the ensembles computing the element-wise product. kwargs Keyword arguments passed through to ``nengo.Network``. Returns ------- net : Network The newly built product network, or the provided ``net``. Attributes ---------- net.input_a : Node The first vector to be multiplied. net.input_b : Node The second vector to be multiplied. net.output : Node The resulting product. net.sq1 : EnsembleArray Represents the first squared term. See `Gosmann, 2015`_ for details. net.sq2 : EnsembleArray Represents the second squared term. See `Gosmann, 2015`_ for details. """ if net is None: kwargs.setdefault('label', "Product") net = nengo.Network(**kwargs) else: warnings.warn("The 'net' argument is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning) with net: net.input_a = net.A = nengo.Node(size_in=dimensions, label="input_a") net.input_b = net.B = nengo.Node(size_in=dimensions, label="input_b") net.output = nengo.Node(size_in=dimensions, label="output") net.sq1 = EnsembleArray( max(1, n_neurons // 2), n_ensembles=dimensions, ens_dimensions=1, radius=input_magnitude * np.sqrt(2)) net.sq2 = EnsembleArray( max(1, n_neurons // 2), n_ensembles=dimensions, ens_dimensions=1, radius=input_magnitude * np.sqrt(2)) tr = 1. / np.sqrt(2.) nengo.Connection( net.input_a, net.sq1.input, transform=tr, synapse=None) nengo.Connection( net.input_b, net.sq1.input, transform=tr, synapse=None) nengo.Connection( net.input_a, net.sq2.input, transform=tr, synapse=None) nengo.Connection( net.input_b, net.sq2.input, transform=-tr, synapse=None) sq1_out = net.sq1.add_output('square', np.square) nengo.Connection(sq1_out, net.output, transform=.5, synapse=None) sq2_out = net.sq2.add_output('square', np.square) nengo.Connection(sq2_out, net.output, transform=-.5, synapse=None) return net
def dot_product_transform(dimensions, scale=1.0): """Returns a transform for output to compute the scaled dot product.""" return scale * np.ones((1, dimensions))