Source code for nengo_spa.modules.associative_memory

"""Associative memory implementations.

See :doc:`examples/associative_memory` for an introduction and examples.
import nengo
from nengo.exceptions import ValidationError
from import with_self
import numpy as np

from import Network
from nengo_spa.networks.selection import IA, Thresholding, WTA
from nengo_spa.vocabulary import VocabularyOrDimParam

[docs]class AssociativeMemory(Network): """General associative memory network. This provides a low-level selection network with the necessary interface to include it within the SPA system. Parameters ---------- selection_net : Network The network that is used to select the response. It needs to accept the arguments *n_neurons* (number of neurons to use to represent each possible choice) and *n_ensembles* (number of choices). The returned network needs to have an *input* attribute to which the utilities for each choice are connected and an *output* attribute from which a connection will be created to read the selected output(s). input_vocab: Vocabulary or int The vocabulary to match. output_vocab: Vocabulary or int, optional The vocabulary to be produced for each match. If None, the associative memory will act like an auto-associative memory (cleanup memory). mapping: dict, str, or sequence of str A dictionary that defines the mapping from Semantic Pointers in the input vocabulary to Semantic Pointers in the output vocabulary. If set to the string ``'by-key'``, the mapping will be done based on the keys of the to vocabularies. If a sequence is provided, an auto-associative (cleanup) memory with the given set of keys will be created. n_neurons : int Number of neurons to represent each choice, passed on to the *selection_net*. label : str, optional A name for the ensemble. Used for debugging and visualization. seed : int, optional The seed used for random number generation. add_to_container : bool, optional Determines if this Network will be added to the current container. See `nengo.Network` for more details. vocabs : VocabularyMap, optional Maps dimensionalities to the corresponding default vocabularies. **selection_net_kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments that will passed to the *selection_net*. """ input_vocab = VocabularyOrDimParam("input_vocab", default=None, readonly=True) output_vocab = VocabularyOrDimParam("output_vocab", default=None, readonly=True) def __init__( self, selection_net, input_vocab, output_vocab=None, mapping=None, n_neurons=50, label=None, seed=None, add_to_container=None, vocabs=None, **selection_net_kwargs ): super(AssociativeMemory, self).__init__( label=label, seed=seed, add_to_container=add_to_container, vocabs=vocabs ) if output_vocab is None: output_vocab = input_vocab elif mapping is None: raise ValidationError( "The mapping argument needs to be provided if an output " "vocabulary is given.", attr="mapping", obj=self, ) self.input_vocab = input_vocab self.output_vocab = output_vocab if mapping is None: raise TypeError("Must provide 'mapping' argument.") elif mapping == "by-key": mapping = self.input_vocab.keys() elif isinstance(mapping, str): raise ValidationError( "The mapping argument must be a dictionary, the string " "'by-key' or a sequence of strings.", attr="mapping", obj=self, ) if not hasattr(mapping, "keys"): mapping = {k: k for k in mapping} if len(mapping) < 1: raise ValidationError( "At least one item must be provided with the mapping " "argument.", attr="mapping", obj=self, ) input_keys = mapping.keys() input_vectors = [self.input_vocab.parse(key).v for key in input_keys] output_keys = [mapping[k] for k in input_keys] output_vectors = [self.output_vocab.parse(key).v for key in output_keys] input_vectors = np.asarray(input_vectors) output_vectors = np.asarray(output_vectors) with self: self.selection = selection_net( n_neurons=n_neurons, n_ensembles=len(input_vectors), label="selection", **selection_net_kwargs ) self.input = nengo.Node(size_in=self.input_vocab.dimensions, label="input") self.output = nengo.Node( size_in=self.output_vocab.dimensions, label="output" ) nengo.Connection(self.input, self.selection.input, transform=input_vectors) nengo.Connection( self.selection.output, self.output, transform=output_vectors.T ) self.declare_input(self.input, self.input_vocab) self.declare_output(self.output, self.output_vocab)
[docs] @with_self def add_default_output(self, key, min_activation_value, n_neurons=50): """Adds a Semantic Pointer to output when no other pointer is active. Parameters ---------- key : str Semantic Pointer to output. min_activation_value : float Minimum output of another Semantic Pointer to deactivate the default output. n_neurons : int, optional Number of neurons used to represent the default Semantic Pointer. """ assert not hasattr(self, "default_ens"), "Can add default output only once." with nengo.presets.ThresholdingEnsembles(0.0): setattr(self, "default_ens", nengo.Ensemble(n_neurons, 1, label="default")) setattr(self, "bias", nengo.Node(1.0, label="bias")) nengo.Connection(self.bias, self.default_ens) nengo.Connection( self.default_ens, self.output, transform=np.atleast_2d(self.output_vocab.parse(key).v).T, ) nengo.Connection( self.selection.output, self.default_ens, transform=-np.ones((1, self.selection.output.size_out)) / min_activation_value, )
[docs]class IAAssocMem(AssociativeMemory): """Associative memory based on the `.IA` network. See `AssociativeMemory` and `.IA` for more information. """ def __init__( self, input_vocab, output_vocab=None, mapping=None, n_neurons=50, label=None, seed=None, add_to_container=None, vocabs=None, **selection_net_kwargs ): super(IAAssocMem, self).__init__( selection_net=IA, input_vocab=input_vocab, output_vocab=output_vocab, mapping=mapping, n_neurons=n_neurons, label=label, seed=seed, add_to_container=add_to_container, vocabs=vocabs, **selection_net_kwargs ) self.input_reset = self.selection.input_reset self.declare_input(self.input_reset, None)
[docs]class ThresholdingAssocMem(AssociativeMemory): """Associative memory based on `.Thresholding`. See `AssociativeMemory` and `.Thresholding` for more information. """ def __init__( self, threshold, input_vocab, output_vocab=None, mapping=None, n_neurons=50, label=None, seed=None, add_to_container=None, vocabs=None, **selection_net_kwargs ): selection_net_kwargs["threshold"] = threshold super(ThresholdingAssocMem, self).__init__( selection_net=Thresholding, input_vocab=input_vocab, output_vocab=output_vocab, mapping=mapping, n_neurons=n_neurons, label=label, seed=seed, add_to_container=add_to_container, vocabs=vocabs, **selection_net_kwargs )
[docs]class WTAAssocMem(AssociativeMemory): """Associative memory based on the `.WTA` network. See `AssociativeMemory` and `.WTA` for more information. """ def __init__( self, threshold, input_vocab, output_vocab=None, mapping=None, n_neurons=50, label=None, seed=None, add_to_container=None, vocabs=None, **selection_net_kwargs ): selection_net_kwargs["threshold"] = threshold super(WTAAssocMem, self).__init__( selection_net=WTA, input_vocab=input_vocab, output_vocab=output_vocab, mapping=mapping, n_neurons=n_neurons, label=label, seed=seed, add_to_container=add_to_container, vocabs=vocabs, **selection_net_kwargs )