Source code for nengo.params

import collections
import inspect

import numpy as np

from nengo.exceptions import ConfigError, ObsoleteError, ReadonlyError, ValidationError
from nengo.rc import rc
from nengo.utils.numpy import (
from nengo.utils.stdlib import WeakKeyIDDictionary, checked_call

[docs]class DefaultType: """Placeholder object used to represent default values for a parameter.""" def __init__(self, name): = name def __repr__(self): return
Default = DefaultType("Default") ConnectionDefault = DefaultType("ConnectionDefault") Unconfigurable = DefaultType("Unconfigurable")
[docs]def is_param(obj): """Check if ``obj`` is a Parameter.""" return isinstance(obj, Parameter)
[docs]def iter_params(obj): """Iterate over the names of all parameters of an object.""" obj = obj if inspect.isclass(obj) else type(obj) return ( name for name in dir(obj) if is_param(getattr(obj, name)) and not isinstance(getattr(obj, name), ObsoleteParam) )
[docs]def equal(a, b): """Check if two (possibly array-like) objects are equal.""" if is_array_like(a) or is_array_like(b): return np.array_equal(a, b) else: return a == b
[docs]class Parameter: """Simple descriptor for storing configuration parameters. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the parameter. default : object The value returned if the parameter hasn't been explicitly set. optional : bool, optional Whether this parameter accepts the value None. By default, parameters are not optional (i.e., cannot be set to ``None``). readonly : bool, optional If true, the parameter can only be set once. By default, parameters can be set multiple times. Attributes ---------- coerce_defaults : bool If True, validate values for this parameter when they are set in a `.Config` object. Setting a parameter directly on an object will always be validated. equatable : bool If True, parameter values can be compared for equality (``a==b``); otherwise equality checks will just compare object identity (``a is b``). """ coerce_defaults = True equatable = False def __init__(self, name, default=Unconfigurable, optional=False, readonly=None): # freeze Unconfigurables by default readonly = default is Unconfigurable if readonly is None else readonly if not isinstance(name, str): raise ValueError("'name' must be a string (got %r)" % name) if not isinstance(optional, bool): raise ValueError("'optional' must be boolean (got %r)" % optional) if not isinstance(readonly, bool): raise ValueError("'readonly' must be boolean (got %r)" % readonly) = name self.default = default self.optional = optional self.readonly = readonly # default values set by config system self._defaults = WeakKeyIDDictionary() # param values set on objects = WeakKeyIDDictionary() def __getstate__(self): state = {} state.update(self.__dict__) state["_defaults"] = dict(state["_defaults"].items()) state["data"] = dict(state["data"].items()) return state def __setstate__(self, state): for k, v in state.items(): if k in ["_defaults", "data"]: v = WeakKeyIDDictionary(v) setattr(self, k, v) def __contains__(self, key): return key in or key in self._defaults def __delete__(self, instance): del[instance] def __get__(self, instance, type_): if instance is None: # Return self so default can be inspected return self if not self.configurable and instance not in raise ValidationError( "Unconfigurable parameters have no defaults. Please ensure the" " value of the parameter is set before trying to access it.",, obj=instance, ) return, self.default) def __set__(self, instance, value):[instance] = self.coerce(instance, value) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, default=%s, optional=%s, readonly=%s)" % ( type(self).__name__,, self.default, self.optional, self.readonly, ) @property def configurable(self): return self.default is not Unconfigurable def del_default(self, obj): del self._defaults[obj] def get_default(self, obj): return self._defaults.get(obj, self.default) def set_default(self, obj, value): if not self.configurable: raise ConfigError("Parameter '%s' is not configurable" % self) self._defaults[obj] = self.coerce(obj, value) if self.coerce_defaults else value def check_type(self, instance, value, type_): if value is not None and not isinstance(value, type_): if isinstance(type_, tuple): type_str = " or ".join((t.__name__ for t in type_)) else: type_str = type_.__name__ raise ValidationError( "Must be of type %r (got type %r)." % (type_str, type(value).__name__),, obj=instance, ) def coerce(self, instance, value): if isinstance(value, DefaultType): raise ValidationError( "Default is not a valid value. To reset a parameter, use 'del'.",, obj=instance, ) if self.readonly and instance in raise ReadonlyError(, obj=instance) if not self.optional and value is None: raise ValidationError( "Parameter is not optional; cannot set to None",, obj=instance, ) return value def equal(self, instance_a, instance_b): a = self.__get__(instance_a, None) b = self.__get__(instance_b, None) if self.equatable: return equal(a, b) else: return a is b
[docs] def hashvalue(self, instance): """Returns a hashable value (`hash` can be called on the output).""" value = self.__get__(instance, None) if self.equatable: return value else: return id(value)
[docs]class ObsoleteParam(Parameter): """A parameter that is no longer supported.""" def __init__(self, name, short_msg, since=None, url=None): self.short_msg = short_msg self.since = since self.url = url super().__init__(name, optional=True) def __get__(self, instance, type_): if instance is None: # Return self so default can be inspected return self self.raise_error() def coerce(self, instance, value): if value is not Unconfigurable: # don't allow setting to anything other than unconfigurable default self.raise_error() return value def raise_error(self): raise ObsoleteError(self.short_msg, since=self.since, url=self.url)
[docs]class BoolParam(Parameter): """A parameter where the value is a boolean.""" equatable = True def coerce(self, instance, value): self.check_type(instance, value, bool) return super().coerce(instance, value)
[docs]class NumberParam(Parameter): """A parameter where the value is a number.""" equatable = True def __init__( self, name, default=Unconfigurable, low=None, high=None, low_open=False, high_open=False, optional=False, readonly=None, ): self.low = low self.high = high self.low_open = low_open self.high_open = high_open super().__init__(name, default, optional, readonly) def coerce(self, instance, num): if num is not None: if is_array(num) and num.shape == (): num = num.item() # convert scalar array to Python object if not is_number(num): raise ValidationError( "Must be a number; got '%s'" % num,, obj=instance ) low_comp = 0 if self.low_open else -1 if self.low is not None and compare(num, self.low) <= low_comp: raise ValidationError( "Value must be greater than %s%s (got %s)" % ("" if self.low_open else "or equal to ", self.low, num),, obj=instance, ) high_comp = 0 if self.high_open else 1 if self.high is not None and compare(num, self.high) >= high_comp: raise ValidationError( "Value must be less than %s%s (got %s)" % ("" if self.high_open else "or equal to ", self.high, num),, obj=instance, ) return super().coerce(instance, num)
[docs]class IntParam(NumberParam): """A parameter where the value is an integer.""" def coerce(self, instance, num): self.check_type(instance, num, (int, np.integer)) return super().coerce(instance, num)
[docs]class StringParam(Parameter): """A parameter where the value is a string.""" equatable = True def coerce(self, instance, string): self.check_type(instance, string, (str,)) return super().coerce(instance, string)
[docs]class EnumParam(StringParam): """A parameter where the value must be one of a finite set of strings.""" def __init__( self, name, default=Unconfigurable, values=(), lower=True, optional=False, readonly=None, ): assert all(isinstance(s, str) for s in values) if lower: values = tuple(s.lower() for s in values) value_set = set(values) assert len(values) == len(value_set) self.values = values self.value_set = value_set self.lower = lower super().__init__(name, default, optional, readonly) def coerce(self, instance, string): string = super().coerce(instance, string) string = string.lower() if self.lower else string if string not in self.value_set: raise ValidationError( "String %r must be one of %s" % (string, list(self.values)),, obj=instance, ) return string
[docs]class TupleParam(Parameter): """A parameter where the value is a tuple.""" def __init__( self, name, default=Unconfigurable, length=None, optional=False, readonly=None ): self.length = length super().__init__(name, default, optional, readonly) def coerce(self, instance, value): value = super().coerce(instance, value) if value is not None: try: value = tuple(value) except TypeError: raise ValidationError( "Value must be castable to a tuple",, obj=instance ) if self.length is not None and len(value) != self.length: raise ValidationError( "Must be %d items (got %d)" % (self.length, len(value)),, obj=instance, ) return value
[docs]class ShapeParam(TupleParam): """A parameter where the value is a tuple of integers.""" equatable = True def __init__( self, name, default=Unconfigurable, length=None, low=0, optional=False, readonly=None, ): super().__init__( name, default=default, length=length, optional=optional, readonly=readonly ) self.low = low def coerce(self, instance, value): value = super().coerce(instance, value) if value is not None: for i, v in enumerate(value): if not is_integer(v): raise ValidationError( "Element %d must be an int (got type %r)" % (i, type(v).__name__),, obj=instance, ) if self.low is not None and v < self.low: raise ValidationError( "Element %d must be >= %d (got %d)" % (i, self.low, v),, obj=instance, ) return value
[docs]class DictParam(Parameter): """A parameter where the value is a dictionary.""" def coerce(self, instance, value): self.check_type(instance, value, dict) return super().coerce(instance, value)
[docs]class NdarrayParam(Parameter): """A parameter where the value is a NumPy ndarray. If the passed value is an ndarray, a view onto that array is stored. If the passed value is not an ndarray, it will be cast to an ndarray of ``dtype`` and stored. """ equatable = True def __init__( self, name, default=Unconfigurable, shape=None, dtype=None, optional=False, readonly=None, ): if shape is not None: assert shape.count("...") <= 1, "Cannot have more than one ellipsis" self.shape = shape self._dtype = dtype super().__init__(name, default, optional, readonly) @property def coerce_defaults(self): if self.shape is None: return True return all(is_integer(dim) or dim in ("...", "*") for dim in self.shape) @property def dtype(self): if self._dtype is not None: return self._dtype return rc.float_dtype
[docs] def hashvalue(self, instance): return array_hash(self.__get__(instance, None))
def coerce(self, instance, value): if value is not None: value = self.coerce_ndarray(instance, value) return super().coerce(instance, value) def coerce_ndarray(self, instance, ndarray): # noqa: C901 if isinstance(ndarray, np.ndarray): ndarray = ndarray.view() else: try: ndarray = np.array(ndarray, dtype=self.dtype) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValidationError( "Must be a %s NumPy array (got type %r)" % (self.dtype, type(ndarray).__name__),, obj=instance, ) if self.readonly: ndarray.setflags(write=False) if self.shape is None: return ndarray if "..." in self.shape: # Convert '...' to the appropriate number of '*'s nfixed = len(self.shape) - 1 n = ndarray.ndim - nfixed if n < 0: raise ValidationError( "ndarray must be at least %dD (got %dD)" % (nfixed, ndarray.ndim),, obj=instance, ) i = self.shape.index("...") shape = list(self.shape[:i]) + (["*"] * n) if i < len(self.shape) - 1: shape.extend(self.shape[i + 1 :]) else: shape = self.shape if ndarray.ndim != len(shape): raise ValidationError( "ndarray must be %dD (got %dD)" % (len(shape), ndarray.ndim),, obj=instance, ) for i, attr in enumerate(shape): assert is_integer(attr) or isinstance( attr, str ), "shape can only be an int or str representing an attribute" if attr == "*": continue desired = attr if is_integer(attr) else getattr(instance, attr) if not is_integer(desired): raise ValidationError( "%s not yet initialized; cannot determine if shape is " "correct. Consider using a distribution instead." % attr,, obj=instance, ) if ndarray.shape[i] != desired: raise ValidationError( "shape[%d] should be %d (got %d)" % (i, desired, ndarray.shape[i]),, obj=instance, ) return ndarray
FunctionInfo = collections.namedtuple("FunctionInfo", ["function", "size"])
[docs]class FunctionParam(Parameter): """A parameter where the value is a function.""" def determine_size(self, instance, function): args = self.function_args(instance, function) value, invoked = checked_call(function, *args) if not invoked: raise ValidationError( "function '%s' must accept a single np.array argument" % function,, obj=instance, ) return np.asarray(value).size def function_args(self, instance, function): return (np.zeros(1),) def coerce(self, instance, function): function = super().coerce(instance, function) if isinstance(function, FunctionInfo): function_info = function function = function_info.function else: size = ( self.determine_size(instance, function) if callable(function) else None ) function_info = FunctionInfo(function=function, size=size) if function is not None and not callable(function): raise ValidationError( "function '%s' must be callable" % function,, obj=instance, ) return function_info
[docs]class FrozenObject: """An object with parameters that cannot change value after instantiation. Since such objects are read-only ("frozen"), they can be safely used in multiple locations, compared, etc. """ # Order in which parameters have to be initialized. # Missing parameters will be initialized last in an undefined order. # This is needed for pickling and copying of Nengo objects when the # parameter initialization order matters. _param_init_order = [] def __init__(self): self._paramdict = collections.OrderedDict( (k, v) for k, v in inspect.getmembers(type(self)) if isinstance(v, Parameter) and not isinstance(v, ObsoleteParam) ) for p in self._params: if not p.readonly: msg = "All parameters of a FrozenObject must be readonly" raise ReadonlyError(attr=p, obj=self, msg=msg) self.__argreprs = None @property def _params(self): return list(self._paramdict.values()) def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: # quick check for speed return True return type(self) == type(other) and all( p.equal(self, other) for p in self._params ) def __hash__(self): return hash((type(self), tuple(p.hashvalue(self) for p in self._params))) def __getstate__(self): d = dict(self.__dict__) d.pop("_paramdict") # do not pickle the param dict itself for k in self._paramdict: d[k] = getattr(self, k) return d def __setstate__(self, state): FrozenObject.__init__(self) # set up the param dict for attr in self._param_init_order: setattr(self, attr, state.pop(attr)) for attr in set(self._paramdict).difference(self._param_init_order): setattr(self, attr, state.pop(attr)) self.__dict__.update(state) def __repr__(self): if isinstance(self._argreprs, str): return "<%s at 0x%x>" % (type(self).__name__, id(self)) return "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, ", ".join(self._argreprs)) @property def _argreprs(self): if self.__argreprs is not None: return self.__argreprs # get arguments to display from __init__ functions spec = inspect.getfullargspec(type(self).__init__) defaults = {} if spec.defaults is not None: defaults.update(zip(spec.args[-len(spec.defaults) :], spec.defaults)) self.__argreprs = [] for arg in spec.args[1:]: # start at 1 to drop `self` if not hasattr(self, arg): # We rely on storing the initial arguments. If we don't have # them, we don't auto-generate a repr. self.__argreprs = "Cannot find %r" % arg break value = getattr(self, arg) param = self._paramdict.get(arg, None) if arg in defaults: not_default = not equal(value, defaults[arg]) elif param is not None and param.default is not Unconfigurable: not_default = not equal(value, param.default) else: not_default = True if not_default: self.__argreprs.append("%s=%r" % (arg, value)) return self.__argreprs