Source code for nengo.solvers

"""Classes concerned with solving for decoders or full weight matrices.

.. inheritance-diagram:: nengo.solvers
   :parts: 1
   :top-classes: nengo.solvers.Solver, nengo.solvers.SolverParam


import time

import numpy as np

import nengo.utils.least_squares_solvers as lstsq
from nengo.params import BoolParam, FrozenObject, NdarrayParam, NumberParam, Parameter
from nengo.utils.least_squares_solvers import (

[docs]class Solver(FrozenObject): """Decoder or weight solver. A solver can have the ``weights`` parameter equal to ``True`` or ``False``. Weight solvers are used to form neuron-to-neuron weight matrices. They can be compositional or non-compositional. Non-compositional solvers must operate on the whole neuron-to-neuron weight matrix (i.e., each target is a separate postsynaptic current, without the bias term), while compositional solvers operate in the decoded state-space (i.e., each target is a dimension in state-space). Compositional solvers then combine the returned ``X`` with the transform and/or encoders to generate the full weight matrix. For a solver to be compositional, the following property must be true:: X = solver(A, Y) if and only if L(X) = solver(A, L(Y)) where ``L`` is some arbitrary linear operator (i.e., the transform and/or encoders for the postsynaptic population). This property can then be leveraged by the backend for efficiency. See the solver's ``compositional`` class attribute to determine if it is compositional. Non-weight solvers always operate in the decoded state-space regardless of whether they are compositional or non-compositional. """ compositional = True weights = BoolParam("weights") def __init__(self, weights=False): super().__init__() self.weights = weights def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=np.random): """Call the solver. .. note:: ``n_targets`` is ``dimensions`` if ``solver.weights`` is ``False`` and ``post.n_neurons`` if ``solver.weights`` is ``True``. Parameters ---------- A : (n_eval_points, n_neurons) array_like Matrix of the neurons' activities at the evaluation points. Y : (n_eval_points, n_targets) array_like Matrix of target values at the evaluation points. rng : `numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState`, optional A random number generator to use as required. Returns ------- X : (n_neurons, n_targets) array_like Matrix of weights used to map activities onto targets. A typical solver will approximate ``dot(A, X) ~= Y`` subject to some constraints on ``X``. info : dict A dictionary of information about the solver. All dictionaries have an ``'rmses'`` key that contains RMS errors of the solve (one per target). Other keys are unique to particular solvers. """ raise NotImplementedError("Solvers must implement '__call__'")
[docs]class SolverParam(Parameter): """A parameter in which the value is a `.Solver` instance.""" def coerce(self, instance, solver): self.check_type(instance, solver, Solver) return super().coerce(instance, solver)
[docs]class Lstsq(Solver): """Unregularized least-squares solver. Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. rcond : float, optional Cut-off ratio for small singular values (see `numpy.linalg.lstsq`). Attributes ---------- rcond : float Cut-off ratio for small singular values (see `numpy.linalg.lstsq`). weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. """ rcond = NumberParam("noise", low=0) def __init__(self, weights=False, rcond=0.01): super().__init__(weights=weights) self.rcond = rcond def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=np.random): tstart = time.time() X, residuals2, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(A, Y, rcond=self.rcond) t = time.time() - tstart return ( X, { "rmses": rmses(A, X, Y), "residuals": np.sqrt(residuals2), "rank": rank, "singular_values": s, "time": t, }, )
def _add_noise_param_docs(cls): cls.__doc__ += """ Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. noise : float, optional Amount of noise, as a fraction of the neuron activity. solver : `.LeastSquaresSolver`, optional Subsolver to use for solving the least squares problem. Attributes ---------- noise : float Amount of noise, as a fraction of the neuron activity. solver : `.LeastSquaresSolver` Subsolver to use for solving the least squares problem. weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. """ return cls
[docs]@_add_noise_param_docs class LstsqNoise(Solver): """Least-squares solver with additive Gaussian white noise.""" noise = NumberParam("noise", low=0) solver = LeastSquaresSolverParam("solver") def __init__(self, weights=False, noise=0.1, solver=lstsq.Cholesky()): super().__init__(weights=weights) self.noise = noise self.solver = solver def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=np.random): tstart = time.time() sigma = self.noise * A.max() A = A + rng.normal(scale=sigma, size=A.shape) X, info = self.solver(A, Y, 0, rng=rng) info["time"] = time.time() - tstart return X, info
[docs]@_add_noise_param_docs class LstsqMultNoise(LstsqNoise): """Least-squares solver with multiplicative white noise.""" def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=np.random): tstart = time.time() A = A + rng.normal(scale=self.noise, size=A.shape) * A X, info = self.solver(A, Y, 0, rng=rng) info["time"] = time.time() - tstart return X, info
def _add_l2_param_docs(cls): cls.__doc__ += """ Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. reg : float, optional Amount of regularization, as a fraction of the neuron activity. solver : `.LeastSquaresSolver`, optional Subsolver to use for solving the least squares problem. Attributes ---------- reg : float Amount of regularization, as a fraction of the neuron activity. solver : `.LeastSquaresSolver` Subsolver to use for solving the least squares problem. weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. """ return cls
[docs]@_add_l2_param_docs class LstsqL2(Solver): """Least-squares solver with L2 regularization.""" reg = NumberParam("reg", low=0) solver = LeastSquaresSolverParam("solver") def __init__(self, weights=False, reg=0.1, solver=lstsq.Cholesky()): super().__init__(weights=weights) self.reg = reg self.solver = solver def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=np.random): tstart = time.time() sigma = self.reg * A.max() X, info = self.solver(A, Y, sigma, rng=rng) info["time"] = time.time() - tstart return X, info
[docs]@_add_l2_param_docs class LstsqL2nz(LstsqL2): """Least-squares solver with L2 regularization on non-zero components.""" def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=np.random): tstart = time.time() # Compute the equivalent noise standard deviation. This equals the # base amplitude (noise_amp times the overall max activation) times # the square-root of the fraction of non-zero components. sigma = (self.reg * A.max()) * np.sqrt((A > 0).mean(axis=0)) # sigma == 0 means the neuron is never active, so won't be used, but # we have to make sigma != 0 for numeric reasons. sigma[sigma == 0] = sigma.max() X, info = self.solver(A, Y, sigma, rng=rng) info["time"] = time.time() - tstart return X, info
[docs]class LstsqL1(Solver): """Least-squares solver with L1 and L2 regularization (elastic net). This method is well suited for creating sparse decoders or weight matrices. .. note:: Requires `scikit-learn <>`_. Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. l1 : float, optional Amount of L1 regularization. l2 : float, optional Amount of L2 regularization. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for the underlying elastic net. Attributes ---------- l1 : float Amount of L1 regularization. l2 : float Amount of L2 regularization. weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. max_iter : int Maximum number of iterations for the underlying elastic net. """ compositional = False l1 = NumberParam("l1", low=0) l2 = NumberParam("l2", low=0) def __init__(self, weights=False, l1=1e-4, l2=1e-6, max_iter=1000): # import to check existence import sklearn.linear_model # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel assert sklearn.linear_model super().__init__(weights=weights) self.l1 = l1 self.l2 = l2 self.max_iter = max_iter def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=np.random): import sklearn.linear_model # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel tstart = time.time() Y = np.array(Y) # copy since 'fit' may modify Y # TODO: play around with regularization constants (I just guessed). # Do we need to scale regularization by number of neurons, to get # same level of sparsity? esp. with weights? Currently, setting # l1=1e-3 works well with weights when connecting 1D populations # with 100 neurons each. a = self.l1 * A.max() # L1 regularization b = self.l2 * A.max() ** 2 # L2 regularization alpha = a + b l1_ratio = a / (a + b) # --- solve least-squares A * X = Y model = sklearn.linear_model.ElasticNet( alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, fit_intercept=False, max_iter=self.max_iter ), Y) X = model.coef_.T X.shape = (A.shape[1], Y.shape[1]) if Y.ndim > 1 else (A.shape[1],) t = time.time() - tstart infos = {"rmses": rmses(A, X, Y), "time": t} return X, infos
[docs]class LstsqDrop(Solver): """Find sparser decoders/weights by dropping small values. This solver first solves for coefficients (decoders/weights) with L2 regularization, drops those nearest to zero, and retrains remaining. Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. drop : float, optional Fraction of decoders or weights to set to zero. solver1 : Solver, optional Solver for finding the initial decoders. solver2 : Solver, optional Used for re-solving for the decoders after dropout. Attributes ---------- drop : float Fraction of decoders or weights to set to zero. solver1 : Solver Solver for finding the initial decoders. solver2 : Solver Used for re-solving for the decoders after dropout. weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. """ compositional = False drop = NumberParam("drop", low=0, high=1) solver1 = SolverParam("solver1") solver2 = SolverParam("solver2") def __init__( self, weights=False, drop=0.25, solver1=LstsqL2(reg=0.001), solver2=LstsqL2(reg=0.1), ): super().__init__(weights=weights) self.drop = drop self.solver1 = solver1 self.solver2 = solver2 def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=np.random): tstart = time.time() Y, m, n, _, matrix_in = format_system(A, Y) # solve for coefficients using standard solver X, info0 = self.solver1(A, Y, rng=rng) # drop weights close to zero, based on `drop` ratio Xabs = np.sort(np.abs(X.flat)) threshold = Xabs[int(np.round(self.drop * Xabs.size))] X[np.abs(X) < threshold] = 0 # retrain nonzero weights for i in range(X.shape[1]): nonzero = X[:, i] != 0 if nonzero.sum() > 0: X[nonzero, i], info1 = self.solver2(A[:, nonzero], Y[:, i], rng=rng) t = time.time() - tstart info = {"rmses": rmses(A, X, Y), "info0": info0, "info1": info1, "time": t} return X if matrix_in or X.shape[1] > 1 else X.ravel(), info
def _add_nnls_param_docs(l2=False): reg_attr = """ reg : float Amount of regularization, as a fraction of the neuron activity.\ """ reg_param = """ reg : float, optional Amount of regularization, as a fraction of the neuron activity.\ """ docstring = """ .. note:: Requires `SciPy <>`_. Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights.{reg_param} Attributes ----------{reg_attr} weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. """.format( reg_param=reg_param if l2 else "", reg_attr=reg_attr if l2 else "" ) def _actually_add_nnls_param_docs(cls): cls.__doc__ += docstring return cls return _actually_add_nnls_param_docs
[docs]@_add_nnls_param_docs(l2=False) class Nnls(Solver): """Non-negative least-squares solver without regularization. Similar to `.Lstsq`, except the output values are non-negative. If solving for non-negative **weights**, it is important that the intercepts of the post-population are also non-negative, since neurons with negative intercepts will never be silent, affecting output accuracy. """ compositional = False def __init__(self, weights=False): # import here too to throw error early import scipy.optimize # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel assert scipy.optimize super().__init__(weights=weights) def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=np.random): import scipy.optimize # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel tstart = time.time() Y, m, n, _, matrix_in = format_system(A, Y) d = Y.shape[1] X = np.zeros((n, d)) residuals = np.zeros(d) for i in range(d): X[:, i], residuals[i] = scipy.optimize.nnls(A, Y[:, i]) t = time.time() - tstart info = {"rmses": rmses(A, X, Y), "residuals": residuals, "time": t} return X if matrix_in or X.shape[1] > 1 else X.ravel(), info
[docs]@_add_nnls_param_docs(l2=True) class NnlsL2(Nnls): """Non-negative least-squares solver with L2 regularization. Similar to `.LstsqL2`, except the output values are non-negative. If solving for non-negative **weights**, it is important that the intercepts of the post-population are also non-negative, since neurons with negative intercepts will never be silent, affecting output accuracy. """ reg = NumberParam("reg", low=0) def __init__(self, weights=False, reg=0.1): super().__init__(weights=weights) self.reg = reg def _solve(self, A, Y, sigma=0.0): import scipy.optimize # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel tstart = time.time() Y, m, n, _, matrix_in = format_system(A, Y) d = Y.shape[1] # form Gram matrix so we can add regularization GA =, A) np.fill_diagonal(GA, GA.diagonal() + A.shape[0] * sigma ** 2) GY =, Y.clip(0, None)) # ^ TODO: why is it better if we clip Y to be positive here? X = np.zeros((n, d)) residuals = np.zeros(d) for i in range(d): X[:, i], residuals[i] = scipy.optimize.nnls(GA, GY[:, i]) t = time.time() - tstart info = {"rmses": rmses(A, X, Y), "residuals": residuals, "time": t} return X if matrix_in or X.shape[1] > 1 else X.ravel(), info def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=np.random): return self._solve(A, Y, sigma=self.reg * A.max())
[docs]@_add_nnls_param_docs(l2=True) class NnlsL2nz(NnlsL2): """Non-negative least-squares with L2 regularization on nonzero components. Similar to `.LstsqL2nz`, except the output values are non-negative. If solving for non-negative **weights**, it is important that the intercepts of the post-population are also non-negative, since neurons with negative intercepts will never be silent, affecting output accuracy. """ def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=np.random): sigma = (self.reg * A.max()) * np.sqrt((A > 0).mean(axis=0)) sigma[sigma == 0] = 1 return self._solve(A, Y, sigma=sigma)
[docs]class NoSolver(Solver): """Manually pass in weights, bypassing the decoder solver. Parameters ---------- values : (n_neurons, size_out) array_like, optional The array of decoders to use. ``size_out`` is the dimensionality of the decoded signal (determined by the connection function). If ``None``, which is the default, the solver will return an appropriately sized array of zeros. weights : bool, optional If False, connection will use factored weights (decoders from this solver, transform, and encoders). If True, connection will use a full weight matrix (created by linearly combining decoder, transform, and encoders). Attributes ---------- values : (n_neurons, size_out) array_like, optional The array of decoders to use. ``size_out`` is the dimensionality of the decoded signal (determined by the connection function). If ``None``, which is the default, the solver will return an appropriately sized array of zeros. weights : bool, optional If False, connection will use factored weights (decoders from this solver, transform, and encoders). If True, connection will use a full weight matrix (created by linearly combining decoder, transform, and encoders). """ compositional = True values = NdarrayParam("values", optional=True, shape=("*", "*")) def __init__(self, values=None, weights=False): super().__init__(weights=weights) self.values = values def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None): if self.values is None: n_neurons = np.asarray(A).shape[1] return np.zeros((n_neurons, np.asarray(Y).shape[1])), {} return self.values, {}