Source code for nengo.utils.ipython

"""Functions for easy interactions with IPython and IPython notebooks."""

import io

import numpy as np

    import IPython
    from IPython import get_ipython
    from IPython.display import HTML

    if IPython.version_info[0] <= 3:
        from IPython.nbconvert import PythonExporter
        from nbconvert import PythonExporter

    if IPython.version_info[0] <= 3:
        # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
        from IPython import nbformat
        import nbformat

except ImportError:

    def get_ipython():
        return None

assert get_ipython

[docs]def check_ipy_version(min_version): """Check that ipython version is >= ``min_version``.""" try: import IPython # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel return IPython.version_info >= min_version except ImportError: return False
[docs]def hide_input(): """Hide the input of the Jupyter notebook input block this is executed in. Returns a link to toggle the visibility of the input block. """ uuid = np.random.randint(np.iinfo(np.int32).max) script = """ <a id="%(uuid)s" href="javascript:toggle_input_%(uuid)s()" >Show Input</a> <script type="text/javascript"> var toggle_input_%(uuid)s; (function() { if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') { // no jQuery var link_%(uuid)s = document.getElementById("%(uuid)s"); var cell = link_%(uuid)s; while (cell.className.split(' ')[0] != "cell" && cell.className.split(' ')[0] != "nboutput") { cell = cell.parentNode; } var input_%(uuid)s; if (cell.className.split(' ')[0] == "cell") { for (var i = 0; i < cell.children.length; i++) { if (cell.children[i].className.split(' ')[0] == "input") { input_%(uuid)s = cell.children[i]; } } } else { input_%(uuid)s = cell.previousElementSibling; } input_%(uuid) = "none"; // hide toggle_input_%(uuid)s = function() { if (input_%(uuid) == "none") { input_%(uuid) = ""; // show link_%(uuid)s.innerHTML = "Hide Input"; } else { input_%(uuid) = "none"; // hide link_%(uuid)s.innerHTML = "Show Input"; } } } else { // jQuery var link_%(uuid)s = $("a[id='%(uuid)s']"); var cell_%(uuid)s = link_%(uuid)s.parents("div.cell:first"); if (cell_%(uuid)s.length == 0) { cell_%(uuid)s = link_%(uuid)s.parents( "div.nboutput:first"); } var input_%(uuid)s = cell_%(uuid)s.children("div.input"); if (input_%(uuid)s.length == 0) { input_%(uuid)s = cell_%(uuid)s.prev("div.nbinput"); } input_%(uuid)s.hide(); toggle_input_%(uuid)s = function() { if (input_%(uuid)':hidden')) { input_%(uuid)s.slideDown(); link_%(uuid)s[0].innerHTML = "Hide Input"; } else { input_%(uuid)s.slideUp(); link_%(uuid)s[0].innerHTML = "Show Input"; } } } }()); </script> """ % dict( uuid=uuid ) return HTML(script)
[docs]def load_notebook(nb_path): """Load notebook from file.""" with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: nb =, as_version=4) return nb
[docs]def export_py(nb, dest_path=None): """Convert notebook to Python script. Optionally saves script to dest_path. """ exporter = PythonExporter() body, resources = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb) # Remove all lines with get_ipython while "get_ipython()" in body: ind0 = body.find("get_ipython()") ind1 = body.find("\n", ind0) body = body[:ind0] + body[(ind1 + 1) :] if dest_path is not None: with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(body) return body
[docs]def iter_cells(nb, cell_type="code"): """Iterate over cells of a notebok.""" return (cell for cell in nb.cells if cell.cell_type == cell_type)