Source code for nengo.utils.least_squares_solvers

"""These solvers are to be passed as arguments to `~.Solver` objects.

For example:

.. testcode::

   from nengo.solvers import LstsqL2
   from nengo.utils.least_squares_solvers import SVD

   with nengo.Network():
       ens_a = nengo.Ensemble(10, 1)
       ens_b = nengo.Ensemble(10, 1)
       nengo.Connection(ens_a, ens_b, solver=LstsqL2(solver=SVD()))


import numpy as np

import nengo.utils.numpy as npext
from nengo.exceptions import ValidationError
from nengo.params import (

[docs]def format_system(A, Y): """Extract data from A/Y matrices.""" assert Y.ndim > 0 m, n = A.shape matrix_in = Y.ndim > 1 d = Y.shape[1] if matrix_in else 1 Y = Y if matrix_in else Y[:, None] return Y, m, n, d, matrix_in
[docs]def rmses(A, X, Y): """Returns the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of the solution X.""" return npext.rms(Y -, X), axis=0)
[docs]class LeastSquaresSolver(FrozenObject): """Linear least squares system solver.""" def __call__(self, A, Y, sigma, rng=None): raise NotImplementedError("LeastSquaresSolver must implement call")
[docs]class Cholesky(LeastSquaresSolver): """Solve a least-squares system using the Cholesky decomposition.""" transpose = BoolParam("transpose", optional=True) def __init__(self, transpose=None): super().__init__() self.transpose = transpose def __call__(self, A, Y, sigma, rng=None): m, n = A.shape transpose = self.transpose if transpose is None: # transpose if matrix is fat, but not if sigmas for each neuron transpose = m < n and sigma.size == 1 if transpose: # substitution: x = A'*xbar, G*xbar = b where G = A*A' + lambda*I G =, A.T) b = Y else: # multiplication by A': G*x = A'*b where G = A'*A + lambda*I G =, A) b =, Y) # add L2 regularization term 'lambda' = m * sigma**2 np.fill_diagonal(G, G.diagonal() + m * sigma ** 2) try: import scipy.linalg # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel factor = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(G, overwrite_a=True) X = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(factor, b) except ImportError: L = np.linalg.cholesky(G) L = np.linalg.inv(L.T) X =,, b)) X =, X) if transpose else X info = {"rmses": rmses(A, X, Y)} return X, info
[docs]class ConjgradScipy(LeastSquaresSolver): """Solve a least-squares system using Scipy's conjugate gradient. Parameters ---------- tol : float Relative tolerance of the CG solver (see [1]_ for details). atol : float Absolute tolerance of the CG solver (see [1]_ for details). References ---------- .. [1] documentation, """ tol = NumberParam("tol", low=0) atol = NumberParam("atol", low=0) def __init__(self, tol=1e-4, atol=1e-8): super().__init__() self.tol = tol self.atol = atol def __call__(self, A, Y, sigma, rng=None): import scipy.sparse.linalg # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel Y, m, n, d, matrix_in = format_system(A, Y) damp = m * sigma ** 2 calcAA = lambda x:,, x)) + damp * x G = scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator( (n, n), matvec=calcAA, matmat=calcAA, dtype=A.dtype ) B =, Y) X = np.zeros((n, d), dtype=B.dtype) infos = np.zeros(d, dtype="int") itns = np.zeros(d, dtype="int") for i in range(d): # use the callback to count the number of iterations def callback(x, i=i): itns[i] += 1 try: X[:, i], infos[i] = G, B[:, i], tol=self.tol, callback=callback, atol=self.atol ) except TypeError as e: # pragma: no cover # no atol parameter in Scipy < 1.1.0 if "atol" not in str(e): raise e X[:, i], infos[i] = G, B[:, i], tol=self.tol, callback=callback ) info = {"rmses": rmses(A, X, Y), "iterations": itns, "info": infos} return X if matrix_in else X.ravel(), info
[docs]class LSMRScipy(LeastSquaresSolver): """Solve a least-squares system using Scipy's LSMR.""" tol = NumberParam("tol", low=0) def __init__(self, tol=1e-4): super().__init__() self.tol = tol def __call__(self, A, Y, sigma, rng=None): import scipy.sparse.linalg # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel Y, m, n, d, matrix_in = format_system(A, Y) damp = sigma * np.sqrt(m) X = np.zeros((n, d), dtype=Y.dtype) itns = np.zeros(d, dtype="int") for i in range(d): X[:, i], _, itns[i], _, _, _, _, _ = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsmr( A, Y[:, i], damp=damp, atol=self.tol, btol=self.tol ) info = {"rmses": rmses(A, X, Y), "iterations": itns} return X if matrix_in else X.ravel(), info
[docs]class Conjgrad(LeastSquaresSolver): """Solve a least-squares system using conjugate gradient.""" tol = NumberParam("tol", low=0) maxiters = IntParam("maxiters", low=1, optional=True) X0 = NdarrayParam("X0", shape=("*", "*"), optional=True) def __init__(self, tol=1e-2, maxiters=None, X0=None): super().__init__() self.tol = tol self.maxiters = maxiters self.X0 = X0 def __call__(self, A, Y, sigma, rng=None): Y, m, n, d, matrix_in = format_system(A, Y) X = np.zeros((n, d)) if self.X0 is None else np.array(self.X0) if X.shape != (n, d): raise ValidationError( "Must be shape %s, got %s" % ((n, d), X.shape), attr="X0", obj=self ) damp = m * sigma ** 2 rtol = self.tol * np.sqrt(m) G = lambda x:,, x)) + damp * x B =, Y) iters = -np.ones(d, dtype="int") for i in range(d): X[:, i], iters[i] = self._conjgrad_iters( G, B[:, i], X[:, i], maxiters=self.maxiters, rtol=rtol ) info = {"rmses": rmses(A, X, Y), "iterations": iters} return X if matrix_in else X.ravel(), info @staticmethod def _conjgrad_iters(calcAx, b, x, maxiters=None, rtol=1e-6): """Solve a single-RHS linear system using conjugate gradient.""" if maxiters is None: maxiters = b.shape[0] r = b - calcAx(x) p = r.copy() rsold =, r) for i in range(maxiters): Ap = calcAx(p) alpha = rsold /, Ap) x += alpha * p r -= alpha * Ap rsnew =, r) beta = rsnew / rsold if np.sqrt(rsnew) < rtol: break if beta < 1e-12: # no perceptible change in p break # p = r + beta*p p *= beta p += r rsold = rsnew return x, i + 1
[docs]class BlockConjgrad(LeastSquaresSolver): """Solve a multiple-RHS least-squares system using block conj. gradient.""" tol = NumberParam("tol", low=0) X0 = NdarrayParam("X0", shape=("*", "*"), optional=True) def __init__(self, tol=1e-2, X0=None): super().__init__() self.tol = tol self.X0 = X0 def __call__(self, A, Y, sigma, rng=None): Y, m, n, d, matrix_in = format_system(A, Y) sigma = np.asarray(sigma, dtype="float") sigma = sigma.reshape(sigma.size, 1) X = np.zeros((n, d)) if self.X0 is None else np.array(self.X0) if X.shape != (n, d): raise ValidationError( "Must be shape %s, got %s" % ((n, d), X.shape), attr="X0", obj=self ) damp = m * sigma ** 2 rtol = self.tol * np.sqrt(m) G = lambda x:,, x)) + damp * x B =, Y) # --- conjugate gradient R = B - G(X) P = np.array(R) Rsold =, R) AP = np.zeros((n, d)) maxiters = int(n / d) for i in range(maxiters): AP = G(P) alpha = np.linalg.solve(, AP), Rsold) X +=, alpha) R -=, alpha) Rsnew =, R) if (np.diag(Rsnew) < rtol ** 2).all(): break beta = np.linalg.solve(Rsold, Rsnew) P = R +, beta) Rsold = Rsnew info = {"rmses": rmses(A, X, Y), "iterations": i + 1} return X if matrix_in else X.ravel(), info
[docs]class SVD(LeastSquaresSolver): """Solve a least-squares system using full SVD.""" def __call__(self, A, Y, sigma, rng=None): Y, m, _, _, matrix_in = format_system(A, Y) U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=0) si = s / (s ** 2 + m * sigma ** 2) X =, si[:, None] *, Y)) info = {"rmses": npext.rms(Y -, X), axis=0)} return X if matrix_in else X.ravel(), info
[docs]class RandomizedSVD(LeastSquaresSolver): """Solve a least-squares system using a randomized (partial) SVD. Useful for solving large matrices quickly, but non-optimally. Parameters ---------- n_components : int, optional The number of SVD components to compute. A small survey of activity matrices suggests that the first 60 components capture almost all the variance. n_oversamples : int, optional The number of additional samples on the range of A. n_iter : int, optional The number of power iterations to perform (can help with noisy data). See also -------- sklearn.utils.extmath.randomized_svd : Function used by this class """ n_components = IntParam("n_components", low=1) n_oversamples = IntParam("n_oversamples", low=0) n_iter = IntParam("n_iter", low=0) def __init__(self, n_components=60, n_oversamples=10, n_iter=0): from sklearn.utils.extmath import ( # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel randomized_svd, ) assert randomized_svd super().__init__() self.n_components = n_components self.n_oversamples = n_oversamples self.n_iter = n_iter def __call__(self, A, Y, sigma, rng=np.random): from sklearn.utils.extmath import ( # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel randomized_svd, ) Y, m, n, _, matrix_in = format_system(A, Y) if min(m, n) <= self.n_components + self.n_oversamples: # more efficient to do a full SVD return SVD()(A, Y, sigma, rng=rng) U, s, V = randomized_svd( A, self.n_components, n_oversamples=self.n_oversamples, n_iter=self.n_iter, random_state=rng, ) si = s / (s ** 2 + m * sigma ** 2) X =, si[:, None] *, Y)) info = {"rmses": npext.rms(Y -, X), axis=0)} return X if matrix_in else X.ravel(), info
[docs]class LeastSquaresSolverParam(Parameter): def coerce(self, instance, solver): self.check_type(instance, solver, LeastSquaresSolver) return super().coerce(instance, solver)